Why We Offer Free Resources for Healthcare Risk and Resiliency Professionals

We are often asked, why do you give away so many resources for free?

It's true, when you consider our Leadership Briefing Template - a powerpoint template you can use to communicate with your executives and increase leadership buy-in, and our COVID-19 Resource Collection, which includes more than 30 resources we created to help healthcare organizations respond to the pandemic - we're putting out a lot of free options!

Truly, it boils down to this:

Preparedness benefits everyone.

We are all interconnected in the way we serve; in our communities, our industry, and in our shared circumstances.

Even though we are a consulting firm that works with healthcare organizations of all shapes and sizes to customize programs, develop strategies, and implement organization-wide resiliency, we still recognize that we can't be everywhere at once.

Providing free resources that come from our collected experience serving healthcare organizations for more than ten years, allows us to serve more people and hopefully, impact more positive change than we ever could working on a one-to-one basis alone.

Our most popular free healthcare resiliency resources include:

  1. Steering Committee Charter Template

  2. Leadership Briefing Template

  3. Psychosocial Coping Tips for Healthcare Workers

  4. Incident Command Structure Template Bundles

  5. Covid-19 Tracking Log Planning Tool

we invite you to take advantage of as many free offerings as your organization needs.

We've curated a collection of links below where our most popular resources live, but feel free to also navigate through our website and our Resources page for more resources and lessons learned written by our team.

If there’s a resource you're seeking that you can't find or if you would like more specialized assistance with a challenge your organization is facing, we're here for you.

You can email us at team@wakefieldbrunswick.com or schedule a free 30-minute Q + A call with Christopher Sonne, our VP of Client Services, to discuss your challenges and generate potential solutions.

Find what you're looking for in the links below, and share this page with your fellow colleagues because, to put it simply,

… preparedness benefits everyone, and we're all in this together.


Resources and templates drawn from the experiences of your peers to help you save time with continuity planning and building your preparedness program.


Free downloadable templates, tools, and lessons learned for response, recovery, and resiliency. Resource categories include lessons learned, patient care, organizational and staff tools.


The WB Team

We at Wakefield Brunswick believe sharing information in a timely manner is critical, particularly during this unprecedented time. We will continue to work with our team of resiliency and medical experts and our partners to disseminate actionable information as fast as possible. Please note that this will necessitate periodic revisions and clarifications of some of our recommendations. The most recent version of our materials will be available on our website.